Terms and Conditions


§ 1 . Validity of the GTC
(1) These General Terms and Conditions apply to contracts for the rental of vacation apartments for accommodation as well as all other services and deliveries of the provider rendered to the guest. The services of the provider are provided exclusively on the basis of these General Terms and Conditions.

(2) The subletting or reletting of the vacation apartment provided as well as its use for other than residential purposes require the prior written consent of the provider.

(3) Terms and conditions of the guest are only applicable if they have been agreed in advance.deviations from these conditions are only effective if the provider has expressly confirmed them in writing.

§ 2 Booking/Booking confirmation
Please enter booking requests via the booking request or send them in writing to  info@regensburger-ferienwohnungen.com
If we can provide you with the desired apartment in the desired period, you will receive from us a written confirmation of the booked apartment and the invoice. The reservation for the apartment is legally binding upon receipt of the booking confirmation, or after the deposit has been paid (see §3).

§ 3 Terms of payment
The payment of the total amount is to be transferred to our account after the booking confirmation/receipt of the invoice.
For short-term bookings, the total price is to be transferred immediately after receipt of invoice/booking confirmation.
In exceptional cases with prior agreement, payment can be made in cash upon arrival.

The minimum rental period is 1 night.

In the event of default in payment, we shall be entitled to charge the respective applicable statutory default interest in the amount of currently 5% above the base interest rate. For each reminder after the occurrence of default, the customer shall reimburse reminder costs in the amount of 15.00 euros to us. All further costs incurred within the scope of collection shall be borne by the Customer. Costs of payment, especially in case of bank transfer from abroad, shall be borne by the customer. All bank transfer fees are to be borne in full by the renter, i.e. our bank account is to be credited with the full invoice amount free of charges. We only accept payments by bank transfer or cash payments by arrangement, no EC or credit cards or checks.

§ 4 Arrival and departure
The apartment is available on the day of arrival from 02.00 pm or by arrangement. Please inform us of your expected arrival time at least 1-2 days before arrival. If the arrival should take place after 05.00 pm, this must be arranged before.
The key handover takes place after individual arrangement. If required, the use of our key safe is possible.
On the day of departure, the apartment must be swept clean by 11.00 am. or by arrangement (exception see "Late checkout"). All used dishes must be put back into the cupboards, the trash cans must be emptied and the refrigerator must be cleared out.
Before departure, please throw all used towels and bed linen simply in a pile on the floor.
Late check out
Late check-out must be agreed at the time of booking- If there is no immediate follow-up booking, late check-out can still be agreed during the stay. For late check-out between 11.00 - 12.00 am a price will be agreed in writing.
In case of late check-out after 12.00 am costs in the amount of one night will be charged. The landlord reserves the right to charge a late departure accordingly or to deduct it from the deposit.

§ 5 Vacation apartments/rooms
The vacation apartment is handed over by the landlord in a neat and clean condition with complete inventory. Should defects exist or occur during the rental period, the landlord must be informed immediately. The tenant is liable for any damage caused by him to the rental property, the inventory e.g. broken dishes, damage to the floor or furniture. The inventory is to be treated carefully and with care and is only intended to remain in the vacation apartments. The moving of furnishings, especially beds, is prohibited. The tenant is also liable for the fault of his fellow travelers. Damages caused by force majeure are excluded from this. In case of use of the vacation apartment contrary to the contract, such as subletting, overcrowding, disturbance of domestic peace, etc., as well as non-payment of the full rent, the contract can be terminated without notice. The already paid rent remains with the landlord.If a liability insurance exists, the damage is to be reported to the insurance company. The landlord must be informed of the name and address, as well as the insurance number of the insurance company.

§ 6 Pets
The accommodation of pets of any kind is allowed in the apartment only by written agreement.
However, if pets are brought, the apartment will not be rented. Cancellation fees will be charged as in the case of non-successful arrival.

§ 7 Stay
The apartment may be used only by the persons listed in the booking. If the apartment is used by more persons than agreed, a separate fee is to be paid for them, which is determined in the rental price. The landlord also has the right in this case to terminate the lease without notice.
Subletting and transfer of the apartment to third parties is not allowed. The rental agreement may not be passed on to third parties. The tenant agrees to the general terms and conditions as well as the house rules of the apartments Altstadtherz. The declaration of consent is made with the payment. In case of violations of the general terms and conditions or the house rules, the landlord is entitled to terminate the rental agreement immediately and without notice. A legal claim for repayment of the rent or compensation does not exist.

§ 8 Travel cancellation
In the event of cancellation of the rental agreement, the tenant is obliged to pay part of the agreed price as compensation. Cancellation must be made in writing. The amount of compensation is based on the time until the day of arrival and is as follows:
up to 30 days before the day of arrival no cancellation fees
within the 30 days 100% of the agreed rental price is due. The conclusion of a travel cancellation insurance is recommended.

§ 9 Cancellation by the landlord
In the event of cancellation on our part, as a result of force majeure or other unforeseeable circumstances (such as in the event of accident or illness of the hosts), as well as other circumstances for which we are not responsible, make the fulfillment impossible; liability is limited to the reimbursement of costs. In the event of justified withdrawal, the customer has no claim to compensation - liability for travel and hotel costs is not assumed.
Withdrawal by the landlord can be made after the start of the lease without notice if the tenant disturbs other tenants despite warning persistently or behaves contrary to the contract to such an extent that the immediate cancellation of the lease is justified.

§10 Liability of the landlord
The lessor is liable within the scope of the duty of care of a prudent businessman for the proper provision of the rental object. A liability for possible failures or disturbances in water or power supply, as well as events and consequences due to force majeure are hereby excluded. For property brought by the guest, the landlord is liable according to the statutory provisions (§701 BGB).

§11 Use of Internet access via WIFI
§11.1. Permission to use Internet access via WIFI
The landlord maintains an Internet access via WLAN in his vacation property. He allows the tenant for the duration of his stay in the vacation property a shared use of the WLAN access to the Internet. The tenant does not have the right to allow third parties to use the WLAN. The landlord does not guarantee the actual availability, suitability or reliability of the Internet access for any purpose. He is entitled at any time to allow other co-users for the operation of the WLAN in whole, in part or temporarily and to restrict or exclude the access of the tenant in whole, in part or temporarily if the connection is or was used in an illegal manner, insofar as the landlord must fear a claim because of this and cannot prevent this with usual and reasonable effort in a reasonable time. In particular, the lessor reserves the right to block access to certain pages or services via the WLAN at any time and at its reasonable discretion (e.g. pages glorifying violence, pornographic pages or pages for which a fee is charged).

§11.2. Access data
The use takes place by means of access protection. The access data (login and password) may not be disclosed to third parties under any circumstances. If the lessee wishes to grant third parties access to the Internet via the WLAN, this is subject to the prior written consent of the lessor and the acceptance of the provisions of this usage agreement by the third party, documented by signature and complete identification. The lessee undertakes to keep his access data secret. The Lessor has the right to change access codes at any time.

§11.3. Dangers of WIFIuse, limitation of liability
The tenant is informed that the WIFI only allows access to the Internet, virus protection and firewall are not available. The data traffic established using the WIFI is not encrypted. The data can therefore possibly be viewed by third parties. The lessor expressly points out that there is a risk that malware (e.g. viruses, Trojans, worms, etc.) may get onto the end device when using the WIFI . The use of the WIFI is at the tenant's own risk. The landlord assumes no liability for damage to the tenant's digital media caused by the use of the Internet access, unless the damage was caused by the landlord and / or its agents intentionally or grossly negligent.

§11.4. Responsibility and release from claims

The tenant is responsible for the data transmitted via the WLAN, the paid services used over it unactivated legal transactions. If the tenant visits chargeable websites or enters into liabilities, the resulting costs are to be borne by him. He is obliged to comply with the applicable law when using the WLAN. In particular, he shall: not use the WLAN to retrieve or distribute immoral or illegal content; not unlawfully reproduce, distribute or make accessible any copyrighted goods; this applies in particular in connection with the use of file-sharing programs; observe the applicable youth protection regulations; not send or distribute any harassing, defamatory or threatening content; not use the WLAN to send mass messages (spam) and/or other forms of unauthorized advertising. The tenant indemnifies the landlord of the vacation property from all damages and claims of third parties, which are based on an illegal use of the WLAN by the tenant and / or on a violation of this agreement, this also extends to costs and expenses associated with the claim or its defense. If the tenant recognizes or must recognize that such an infringement of rights and/or such a violation exists or threatens, he shall inform the landlord of the vacation property of this circumstance.

§12 Written form
There are no agreements other than those listed in this contract. Verbal agreements have not been made. The general terms and conditions are accepted with booking accommodation.

§13 Photo and text
Photos and text on the website or in the flyer serve the realistic description of the apartments. The conformity with the rental property can not be guaranteed. The landlord reserves the right to make changes to the equipment (e.g. furniture, design, colors). 

§14. Limitation
Claims of the guest against the landlord are generally subject to a limitation period of one year from the statutory commencement of the limitation period (§199 Abs.1 BGB).
This does not affect the guest's claims arising from injury to life, body or health or other claims based on an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by the lessor, a legal representative or vicarious agent.

§ 15. Choice of law and place of jurisdiction
German law shall apply.
The place of jurisdiction for legal actions of the guest against the lessor is exclusively the lessor's registered office.
For legal actions of the lessor against merchants, legal entities under public or private law who do not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany or who have moved their place of residence or habitual abode abroad after conclusion of the contract or whose place of residence or habitual abode is not known at the time the action is brought, the registered office of the lessor is agreed as the exclusive place of jurisdiction.

§16. Severability clause
Should one or more provisions of these GTC become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The invalid provision shall be replaced by a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the economic purpose pursued by the invalid provision.